He does not seek recognition through Chiropractic, and does not take credit for healing anyone. Rather, his work and commitment is to enable patients’ health to be better every day. The main objective has always been to have every body working at 100%
Alain Chiappinelli, Doctor of Chiropractic, with 35 years of experience, has always been at the forefront to treat any type of trauma.
And how did patients respond?
For many years, Some patients were a bit skeptical. Especially in Spain, because in the United States and in other European countries where I have worked, Chiropractic is a well known, recognized and essential profession. But here, little by little, a relationship of trust was established and some of them are still patients today. Enthusiastic about the results achieved, they have always shown gestures of gratitude. This is because they have learned to trust the professionalism of the chiropractor.
Besides improving performance, what else does chiropractic work on?
On one hand, on the prevention of injuries. On the other hand, Chiropractic does not focus on the symptoms, but looks for the origin of the problem, to understand why these ailments exists.
If the body, which must be seen as a unitary organism, has no interferences, then multiple injuries or diseases can be prevented: from headaches to the classic herniated disc or scoliosis problems, among many other pathologies. The key is to achieve a spine free of subluxations.
“Together, love and empathy with the patient is the basis for undertaking the best treatment for their health”
Words of Alain Chiappinelli, Doctor of Chiropractic.