
Problems of… Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease with generalized musculoskeletal pain. It is translated with an exaggerated hypersensitivity in predefined points, characterized by a wide variety of symptoms, among which persistent fatigue and non-restorative sleep stand out.

2-Chiropractic and the problems of

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic

Fibromyalgia is considered a disease by The World Health Organization since 1992, and it is of neurological, the pain results from a neurochemical imbalance at the level of the central nervous system .

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Chiropractic care for fibromyalgia

56-Chiropractic care for fibromyalgia
57-Chiropractic care for fibromyalgia

Chiropractic care can relieve a lot of the pains and symptoms, and eliminate subluxations. Therefor the nervous system works better, which in turn has a favorable impact on the whole organism.

A control of symptoms, a healthy lifestyle with less stress, exercise, a well-balanced gluten-free diet (in some cases) and a good balance of the nervous system, free of interference, will improve your quality of life in the face of the ailments caused by this disease. When the vertebrae that make up the spinal column lose their normal alignment, a phenomenon called“subluxation”, neurological interference is created.

If not treated in time, subluxations can eventually lead to serious disorders such as asthma, digestive problems, gynecological problems, nervousness or hypersensitivity to stress or depression, predisposition to fibromyalgia; and not forgetting, of course, herniated discs, back pain, pinching, etc.


Fibromyalgia is characterized by generalized chronic pain, mainly referred to the muscle masses.

The patient with fibromyalgia suffers from generalized, migratory and poorly localized musculoskeletal pain, that affects the quality of life. The description of the pain may vary in different patients (very strong, exhausting, stinging).

Often, the onset of the disease is not easily identifiable. It is as if it has always been present. Patients with fibromyalgia can be very sensitive to climatic variations and feel a deterioration of symptoms in cold and damp periods.

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, fibromyalgia may present headache problems, easy fatigue, anxiety and/or depression, paresthesia (or the annoying tingling in the extremities), cramps or uncontrolled movements in the legs “restless leg syndrome”, swelling of the hands, difficulty concentrating or memory loss, among other symptoms.


Step by step treatment

Any physical trauma, vertebral or pelvic displacement, can create a subluxation, causing interference and tension in our spine, blocking the cerebrospinal pump, respiratory movement between the skull and the coccyx, which triggers a physiological dysfunction of the neuro-muscular-organic-skeletal system.

When we are under stress, it can create blockages, vertebral subluxations, a hyperirritability of the nerves, general pain and weakness in different parts of the body.

Chiropractic adjustments are highly effective in relieving pain symptoms and helps remarkably in recovering mobility and in preventing the progression of the ailment, improving quality of life.


In the first 10 to 15 minutes after your visit it is contraindicated to sit down.

During this period of time it is necessary to walk to mobilize the joints that we just release and walking also facilitate better joint lubrication and nutrition of the intervertebral discs.


During the next 24 hours following the first sessions avoid any excessive effort.

Otherwise, the effectiveness of the adjustment received will decrease.


Before and after every visit, avoid all kinds of tension.

Both physical and mental. The more relaxed you are the more benefit you will get from your treatment.


The set appointments must be respected.

They have been established to obtain the best results.


The sensations that each person may experience after an adjustment may vary without affecting the result and benefit of the treatment in the medium and long term.

After an adjustment, you may experience a feeling of relaxation, having a lot of energy, general well-being, disappearance or relief of symptoms, soreness or pain.

You may sometimes even experience discomfort since the body has to adapt to the new posture and position.

Links of interest

  • investigación clínica: estudio piloto. Blunt KL, Rajwani MH, RC Warrior. J Physiol manipulador Ther. 1997 julio-agosto; 20 (6): 389-99


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