
Chiropractic treatment for Cervicobrachialgia

Cervicobrachialgia is a fairly common condition that causes pain in the neck and radiates to the arm and can reach the hand.

3-The Chiropractic Treatment

What is Cervicobrachialgia?

Generally, this pathology is unilateral and the symptoms range from burning to tingling and paresthesia of the hand or some of the fingers. It is a condition that has a very widespread epidemiology and it does not differ between male or female subjects and it can be of congenital or acquired origin. It tends to affect more those between 30 to 55 years of age, while it is rare in younger patients.

58-What is Cervicobrachialgia?

Causes of Cervicobrachialgia

59-How to treat hip pain?

The causes of Cervicobrachialgia are due to a compression of a nerve root at the exit of the cervical spine or a compression of the brachial plexus: nerve network responsible for sensation, motor skill of the entire arm, control of the muscles of the shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, hand and fingers.

According to the level of compression of the nerve root, the location of the symptoms will change. Different levels can be found:

– Compression of the nerve root caused by a protrusion (bulge), a herniated disc, a decrease in the height of the disc and its consequent decrease in the size of the intervertebral foramen, a spinal canal stenosis.
– Congenital cause, such as crushing of the nerve/pinched nerve caused by the clavicle located lower than the first rib, a compression due to an exaggerated size of the transverse processes of the first dorsal vertebra (thoracic health syndrome).
– The formation of adhesions along the connective tissue that traps nerve endings and causes radiating pain.
The most common cause of cervicobrachialgia is compression of the nerve root at the level of the cervical spine due to cervical subluxation not treated in time and responsible of the formation of a hernia or protrusion of the disc.

Chiropractic treatment of cervicobrachialgia

Chiropractic treatment consists of seeking and treating subluxations including vertebral adjustments and mobilizations focused on spinal decompression therapy. Your chiropractor will evaluate the function of the muscle and neuro skeletal system and correct any dysfunction and subluxation. Vertebral realignment and correct joint positioning, restores a better vertebral parallelism, enlarging the measurements of the conjunction hole (anatomical site of nerve root exit) reducing the nerve interference which allows the muscles to relax and the compression on the nerve root to decrease, ending the pain symptoms.

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Step by step treatment

Chiropractic is a discipline that focuses on detecting and correcting cervical subluxations. By restoring the vertebrae to its normal and natural position, eliminating compressions, interferences and the nervous system recovers its optimal functioning. Consequently, pains and disorders disappear and well-being, health and quality of life are restored.

Unlike traditional medicine, chiropractic not only treats a symptom, such as pain. On the contrary, it locates and treats the origin and the cause of the problem in a natural way, without resorting to medication or surgery and their side effects, thus releasing nervous interference and restoring well-being to the whole body.


In the first 10 to 15 minutes after your visit it is contraindicated to sit down.

During this period of time it is necessary to walk to mobilize the joints that we just release and walking also facilitate better joint lubrication and nutrition of the intervertebral discs.


During the next 24 hours following the first sessions avoid any excessive effort.

Otherwise, the effectiveness of the adjustment received will decrease.


Before and after every visit, avoid all kinds of tension.

Both physical and mental. The more relaxed you are the more benefit you will get from your treatment.


The set appointments must be respected.

They have been established to obtain the best results.


The sensations that each person may experience after an adjustment may vary without affecting the result and benefit of the treatment in the medium and long term.

After an adjustment, you may experience a feeling of relaxation, having a lot of energy, general well-being, disappearance or relief of symptoms, soreness or pain.

You may sometimes even experience discomfort since the body has to adapt to the new posture and position.

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