
Chiropractic treatment for Arthritis

Chiropractic has good results for Osteoarthritis or Arthritis, which is a degenerative disease that affects the bone and articular joint structure of our joints.

3-The Chiropractic Treatment

What is Arthritis?

Restoring the correct alignment and the correct range of motion of the joint structures by eliminating subluxations, the bone degeneration produced and the deformation of the spine and/or joints is limited, stops and then the production of osteophytes (spike-shaped calcium build-ups) slows.

19-What is Arthritis?

Causes and consequences of Arthritis

20-Causes and consequences of Arthritis

Arthritis or osteoarthritis develops mainly from lack of joint mobility due to repeated micro trauma that prevents joint tissues from working properly. Often, the development of osteoarthritis is the consequence of vertebral subluxations and their effects in the cervical and lumber areas, with a loss of its normal curvature. Physiological lordosis of the spine may be due to an old blow or trauma in the past.

The loss of physiological lordosis leads to greater pressure and weight on the intervertebral discs, more abnormal friction, less joint mobility, increased wear and a decrease in the elasticity of intervertebral movement.

Arthritis in the hip is a common disease in many people over fifty years of age. Often the head of the femoral bone, as well as the bone cavity that houses it, called the acetabulum, loses its harmonious design. All this is frequently due to a congenital malformation that forces the hip to work in an unbalanced way, thus creating premature wear of the articular surfaces. The body reacts and then produces calcium salt deposits.

This calcareous substance gradually blocks the hip joint and makes you lose your movement. The joint wears out and the friction movement increases, creating inflammation and pain. Hip problems are often the result of incorrect musculoskeletal dynamics due to poor pelvic position that changes its dynamic and proper functioning.

An anatomically short leg or a physiologically short leg, with the existence of a pelvic unevenness, if proper chiropractic adjustments are not performed, will be responsible for wear on the hip or the appearance of a possible discopathy, protrusion or herniated disc of the spine. A foot, a knee, a badly treated ankle sprain can also be the root of the hip problem.

Likewise, the way you step when you walk can create a muscle-articular imbalance that affects even the temporomandibular joint, passing the pelvis and the spine. These micro traumas repeated thousands of times, manifest after many years with an osteoarthrosic proliferation in the most affected joints, that could have been avoided with appropriate preventive chiropractic treatment.

Benefits of treatment for arthritis with chiropractic

Chiropractic adjustments help relieve pain and regain mobility in your joints and the entire body, as well as help you have a better quality of life.

The benefits of chiropractic treatment include:
Reduction of pain and discomfort.
Reduction of inflammation.
Increased mobility and flexibility.
More liveliness and an improved lifestyle.

21-Benefits of treatment for arthritis with chiropractic

Step by step treatment

Your chiropractor, with the most advanced American technological support, the right equipment and his hands, performs a series of gentle techniques to restore the good articular biomechanics of the hip. He will realign the spine, find the root of the problem and adjust the appropriate vertebrae and joint structures, until recovering good, proper function and the indispensable good biomechanics of the body.

Chiropractic care improves mobility and reduces pain. But, the goal of chiropractic treatment is to improve the close relationship between the body and the central nervous system. When the brain, central and peripheral nervous systems are properly balanced, the body functions better and arthritis pain is reduced.


In the first 10 to 15 minutes after your visit it is contraindicated to sit down.

During this period of time it is necessary to walk to mobilize the joints that we just release and walking also facilitate better joint lubrication and nutrition of the intervertebral discs.


During the next 24 hours following the first sessions avoid any excessive effort.

Otherwise, the effectiveness of the adjustment received will decrease.


Before and after every visit, avoid all kinds of tension.

Both physical and mental. The more relaxed you are the more benefit you will get from your treatment.


The set appointments must be respected.

They have been established to obtain the best results.


The sensations that each person may experience after an adjustment may vary without affecting the result and benefit of the treatment in the medium and long term.

After an adjustment, you may experience a feeling of relaxation, having a lot of energy, general well-being, disappearance or relief of symptoms, soreness or pain.

You may sometimes even experience discomfort since the body has to adapt to the new posture and position.


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