Chiropractic treatment for Cervical Disc Degeneration
Disc degeneration is a general way of talking about premature aging of the intervertebral disc.

What is cervical degeneration?
The disc that is a shock absorber located between two vertebrae of the spine, which allows us at the cervical level to have a multidimensional mobilization:
flexion/extension, right rotation/left rotation, right lateral flexion and left lateral flexion.
The neck has a great capacity for mobility and also supports all the weight of the head.
Causes of cervical disc degeneration
Disc degeneration can be caused by trauma:
· Repetitive micro traumas, creating a compensatory cervical vertebral subluxation.
· A trauma, type: blow, accident, whiplash, or ancient trauma that may occur during induced labor with use of forceps.
Many times, as well, the injury of the intervertebral disc is the consequence of bad postures, for example, when
at work we have the computer screen too low, below our eyesight or misuse telephones, without respecting a good cervical position, creating conditions like text neck syndrome, with cervical hypolordosis that can reach the inversion of the normal cervical physiological curve.
Therefore, all these factors can also amplify an old injury and aggravate the deterioration.
Pain may start with cervical discomfort, muscle tension, increasing to acute neck pain with or without stiff neck, or headache. Pain can also radiate to the shoulder, simulating a pathology of the shoulder, lower to the elbows, giving rise to a lateral or medial epicondylitis (internal), called tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow.
But, it can still get worse and continue to radiate pain in the arms, leading to cervicobrachialgia or a false carpal tunnel syndrome of the wrist and hand.
Treatment of cervical degeneration, herniated disc through chiropractic
The list of pathologies is long so it is advisable to check the status of the cervical. Your chiropractor is qualified to detect and eliminate the etiology cause.
Anatomy: the intervertebral disc is made up of 2 parts, one peripheral, very hydrated in normal situations and the fibrous ring that supports the weight is well elastic also and allows movement, and there’s the central part, where the nucleus is harder, an axis that has to stay well in the center of the disc.
When the disc degenerates, it degenerates and loses elasticity and height, we speak of disc disease, in this phase a phenomenon of exclusion of the nucleus backwards is created, compressing the medullary canal or lateral vertebral foramen reducing its space and compressing the nerve pathway. There are three phases in order of degeneration.
Fase 1: disc protrusion.
Fase 2: the real herniated disc.
Fase 3: excluded herniated disc (exclusion of the nucleus of the annulus fibrosus).
Step by step treatment
Your Doctor of Chiropractic, with his hands and the help of cutting-edge technology adapted to your specific case, and the latest in specific hydroelectric treatment tables, from the United States, looks for the root, the true origin that causes your problem, to later eliminate it. He will treat your vertebral subluxations, adjust weak areas and restores the physiological cervical curve.
Chiropractic treatment is painless, precise and ensures a fast and optimal recovery with a wide range of cervical mobility, no muscle tension or neck pain and a better quality of daily life.
In the first 10 to 15 minutes after your visit it is contraindicated to sit down.
During this period of time it is necessary to walk to mobilize the joints that we just release and walking also facilitate better joint lubrication and nutrition of the intervertebral discs.
During the next 24 hours following the first sessions avoid any excessive effort.
Otherwise, the effectiveness of the adjustment received will decrease.
Before and after every visit, avoid all kinds of tension.
Both physical and mental. The more relaxed you are the more benefit you will get from your treatment.
The set appointments must be respected.
They have been established to obtain the best results.
The sensations that each person may experience after an adjustment may vary without affecting the result and benefit of the treatment in the medium and long term.
After an adjustment, you may experience a feeling of relaxation, having a lot of energy, general well-being, disappearance or relief of symptoms, soreness or pain.
You may sometimes even experience discomfort since the body has to adapt to the new posture and position.
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