
Chiropractic treatment for Disc Protrusion

It is about the degeneration of the intervertebral disc. In practice, when the disc starts to pump up and its central nucleus to move.

3-The Chiropractic Treatment

What is Disk Protrusion?

It is not yet a true herniated disc, if it begins to press and come into contact with the nerve roots, it can give similar disorders such as lumbar, dorsal or cervical pain, which can affect the leg due to the involvement of the sciatic nerve (sciatica). If the protrusion is lumbar or other nerves are involved (or the arm if it is cervical), there may also be a sensation of numbness in the extremities or muscular weakness.

43-What is Disk Protrusion?



An insignificant movement such as bending over to pick something up can precipitate the situation, without being the real cause. In fact, the real causes are prior to the episode that triggers the symptoms.

There is a change in the structure of the disc that protrudes into the spinal canal that contains the spinal cord or presses on the nerve roots exiting the spine through the vertebral foramen just at its exit of the spine.

The treatment of disc protrusion through chiropractic

After a careful neurophysiological chiropractic examination and an analysis of the evidence provided by the patient, exams: x rays, magnetic nuclear resonance, electromyogram, etc, your chiropractor will look for the subluxation, the imbalance responsible for the discopathy, the protrusion, and eliminate the root of the problem. Afterwards, he will create the most appropriate treatment for your case in function of your age, vertebral state and general health, in order to reduce and eliminate painful symptoms, favoring a faster recovery and a better quality of life.

45-The treatment of disc protrusion through chiropractic

Step by step treatment

Chiropractic care can help accurately realign the spine, level pelvic positioning, which is often responsible for the consequent lumbar, dorsal or cervical subluxation, due to loss of a good parallelism at the level of the support base of the spinal column and so, when adjusting the pelvis and subluxation, the misalignment will return to normal and pain and discomfort will be reduced or eliminated. It will also improve swelling, inflammation and even increase strength, flexibility and mobility in other structures of the human body.


In the first 10 to 15 minutes after your visit it is contraindicated to sit down.

During this period of time it is necessary to walk to mobilize the joints that we just release and walking also facilitate better joint lubrication and nutrition of the intervertebral discs.


During the next 24 hours following the first sessions avoid any excessive effort.

Otherwise, the effectiveness of the adjustment received will decrease.


Before and after every visit, avoid all kinds of tension.

Both physical and mental. The more relaxed you are the more benefit you will get from your treatment.


The set appointments must be respected.

They have been established to obtain the best results.


The sensations that each person may experience after an adjustment may vary without affecting the result and benefit of the treatment in the medium and long term.

After an adjustment, you may experience a feeling of relaxation, having a lot of energy, general well-being, disappearance or relief of symptoms, soreness or pain.

You may sometimes even experience discomfort since the body has to adapt to the new posture and position.

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